20 March 2015


When I first came to university I knew nobody. From my graduating class I was the only student to accept an offer at the University of Sydney, making my initial few weeks on campus quite isolating. I have often told people I did not have any friends in first year, I would instead read a lot.

Despite this, I did join the ACCESS Program at my first OWeek, but I used my membership solely for discounts. I did not sign up to any clubs or societies, nor did I attend USU events  this did not happen until 2011 when on a whim I signed up to volunteer at OWeek. After that I propelled myself into the USU and into every aspect of campus life. That year I joined my first club, got involved in every program the USU had to offer, started a club, met one of my best friends who I would later direct OWeek with, got heavily involved in student politics and activism, and fell in love for the first time – with a dude. I know with utter certainty that it was the University of Sydney Union and the positive environment it creates for queer identifying and questioning students that gave me the confidence to tell my family and friends that I am bi-sexual - it helped me to accept and shape who I am.

I had always struggled with my sexuality; during high school I hid who I really was, and actively lied to everyone about who I had a crush on at any given time. I went to a very conservative school, and the only openly gay student was frequently bullied  he ended up dropping out because he was often beaten up. I feared my life mirroring his. Because of this I had no confidence in myself. I saw my sexuality as something to hide and be ashamed of.

Thankfully I no longer feel this way. But I am lucky - not everyone has had the opportunities I have been afforded. This is why events like the USU’s annual Pride Week are so important.
I am bi-sexual and proud!

Bringing Pride Week to as many students as possible is central to creating an inclusive community at this university, both for students who are queer identifying or queer questioning, but also for students who have never really thought about what it means to be queer. Now coming into its third year, the USU's Pride Week is an event that brings students together to discuss issues facing the queer community, come up with solutions, and celebrate the positive wins those before us achieved so that we might have equality and acceptance.  

From Tuesday next week you will see the campus transform for three days to showcase everything great about the queer community. From forums to swing dancing, panel discussions to queer beers - there is literally something for everyone.

For more information about the events held during Pride Week, head over to: http://usu.edu.au/Bars-Events/Festivals/Pride-Festival-(1).aspx

I stand by my push to make Pride Week an annual festival within the USU's calendar of events, and cannot wait for next week!

In Glitter,


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